The “this” keyword in Javascript behaves a bit differently when we compare it to other languages. What “this” refers to depends on how the function is called.

Global context

this is the current module.exports object (nodejs) and global window object (browser).

    file: globalWebBrowser.js
    usage: Put this code onto console tab of your web browser in development mode

//window (global object)

name = 'test'

Object method

this is the object itself.

    file: objectMethod.js
    usage: node objectMethod.js

const obj = {
    firstName: 'Taylor',
    lastName: 'Swift',
    fullName: function() {
        return this.firstName + ' ' + this.lastName

//Taylor Swift


this is the object that called the function.

    file: function.js
    usage: node function.js

function myFunction() {
    return this

//Object [global]

console.log(myFunction() === globalThis)

Function (strict mode)

this is undefined.

    file: functionStrictMode.js
    usage: node functionStrictMode.js

function myFunction() {
    'use strict'
    return this


console.log(myFunction() === globalThis)

Arrow function

The arrow function does not bind its own this but inherits it from the enclosing lexical context (parent scope).

    file: arrowFunction.js
    usage: node arrowFunction.js
    note: minimum node version required: 6
*/ = "Global Object"

function Test(){
    const myArrowFunction = () => {
        return this
    const myTraditionalFunction = function() {
        return this
    const myObject = {
        name: "myObject",
        getThis: myArrowFunction,
        getThis2: myTraditionalFunction
    console.log('arrow func:', myObject.getThis())
    //Global Object
    console.log('traditional func:', myObject.getThis2())



Within the class constructor, this is a regular object. Then all class non-static methods are added to the prototype of the this object. Meanwhile, in static methods, this refers to class itself.

    file: class.js
    usage: node class.js
class myClass {
    constructor(name) { = name

    getName() {

    static myStaticFunction() {

const _myClass = new myClass('Pineapple')



Other methods: call(), apply(), bind()

this is the first argument of call(), apply(),bind() regardless of how the function is called.

    file: callApplyBind.js
    usage: node callApplyBind.js

const Paul = {
    firstName: 'Paul',
    lastName: 'Smith',
    logFullname: function(){
        console.log(this.firstName + ' ' + this.lastName)
    introduceSelf: function(yob){
        console.log(`Hello. My name is ${this.firstName} ${this.lastName}. I am ${new Date().getFullYear() - yob} years old`)

const Taylor = {
    firstName: 'Taylor',
    lastName: 'William'

//Hello. My name is Paul Smith. I am 42 years old

const TaylorIntroducesHerself = Paul.introduceSelf.bind(Taylor, 1990)
//Hello. My name is Taylor William. I am 32 years old, 1990)
//Hello. My name is Taylor William. I am 32 years old

Paul.introduceSelf.apply(Taylor, [1990])
//Hello. My name is Taylor William. I am 32 years old

Browser event

this is the element received that event.